• Content and tasks of my internship

    After making nearly half of my internship at Pat Carrol & Company, a firm of chartered accountant and tax advisor established in 1998, it seems interesting to detail the tasks that have been entrusted to me, because they are interesting and give me a lot professionally.



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    My first mission, the most important is to set up and manage the image of the company on social networks to develop its reputation, it is E-marketing. The objective is to stay in touch with customers to see get back. To do this, one must understand how the visibility and traffic of a website or a blog work. Then you must use specific tools like Google safe browsing, dlvr.it or different plug-ins. Finally, it should publish regularly on social networks content by adapting it to fit the image of the company, it reaches the target, etc.. In one month, the traffic of the website and blog of the company has doubled.

    My second task is to manage the French sector. That means to negotiate with banks, businesses, real estate agencies, etc.. But also meet clients in this sector. Moreover, from the second week I had to ensure an meeting with a client. It should also be able to analyze each situation, which are many, and resolve any contingencies as quickly as possible.

    To conclude, this internship fills my expectations in any case I do not regret my choice. I also believe that it allowed me to analyze and understand the professional world and the expectations that employers have for their future employees. On an educational aspect, it allowed me to put into practice what has been seen in course, but also to learn new methods and new tools. 


    You can visit the website of Pat Carroll & Company: Pat Carroll & Company