• Press review in Ireland

    To keep informed of current events in Ireland by the press we can select The Irish Times and Irish News for all economic and political informations. For sports fans newspapers like The Munster Express suits them perfectly, because we feel the passion of journalists through their articles.


    This week, we talk a lot in Ireland of the help put in place by the government to help to repair damages caused by Clodagh river that has recently emerged from his bed. In the present state of things, we know that the Minister Hogan declared that the amount of financial assistance for repairs would amount to 70 millions. Moreover, we know that the Minister of Social Welfare has allocated over 10 millions of humanitarian funding for the replacement of household items damaged by the flood.

    Differents zones which were affected by the flood were quickly rescued and devices are being put in place to prevent this kind of event does not happen again, they represent an investment of more than 22 millions.


    Inondation Irlande


    These floods had a strong impact on the economy, as Plunkett station was severely damaged and is an essential part of the public transport network of Waterford.

    Today, although the mechanisms put in place are allowed to control the water that came out of the river. However, we must not forget that it will take some time to do all repairs

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